Personally, I cannot believe that the very first month of 2011 is over. On one of the walls in my living room, I have a "Moonscapes 2011" calendar and the image is from the first month of the year, January.
I am writing this post as a reflection on the comments of my astrology post and I am aware of the fact that YOU have been dying for this day to come. However, I won't be pointing any fingers, nor, judging YOU.
"What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are beliefs to transcended."
- John Lilly -
Pete Turner/Getty Images
I have chosen to experience the life by every aspect possible.
I have chosen not to go in blinkers.
"The unexamined life is not worth living"
C.469 - 399 BC
I understand that YOU might have your "reasons" not to believe in astrology, or YOU might not. Careful, I am not questioning your beliefs. What I do not want to hear is a dialogue between YOU and me, based on common public/social prejudices.
But please trust me on this one. It is worth examining and opening yourself.
I am not ruling my life depending on what the stars or the astrologists say. Of course not. However, there are signs that we should be considering about. Don't say "NO" without getting into details.
I can't believe I am quoting my old man right now :D He is going to be so proud (if he's reading)
"Don't say "NO" without even trying..." Well, there you go!
Would opening yourself to the stars, the moon hurt?
Aaaaaaay opsun senı tiyzen...Sokratı bir daha cok sevdim... Yaşasa onu da öpcem ama :)))
ReplyDeleteAhahaha ilahi petekoss :D yasasa onuda opucemm demisss ahahahah
ReplyDeletene guldurdun beniii gece gece :D bende seni burdan operimmm! muah!
It doesn't hurt anyone but obviously it's kind of a waste of time I guess.. You could focus on many other stuff which would help you build up your life (instead of thinking about the stars and the moon.. No?)
ReplyDeleteI feel like astrology is an excuse for those who have been lazy in their lives in all aspects and needed something to blame on..
Okan yanicaksin ama yani cehennemde diiil hani, seni baska ozel bi odaya alicaklar!!! Ah batu askerde olmiiiiicakti sana burda 10 sayfalik kitap uzunlugunda bir cevap vericekti ve sende o cevabi okurken sikintidan ikna olucaktinnnn :))))))
ReplyDeleteWaste of time demis ordan _ lazy people sucu baska seylere attiklari zaman gecmiste yasanan seyler icin yapmis oluyorlar....
peki ya gelecek? Astrolojinin bize sundugu secim haklari?
Bizi belli basli durumlara karsi uyarmasi?
Evren biziim icin isliyor, bizimde sorumlulugumuz ona iyi bakmak ve onun bize verdigi, sagladigi "isaretleri" gormek.
bunu yapabilirsen, en azindan kendini brz acarsan bazi seylerin daha net ve guzel oldugunu farkedeceksin. Skype'da bana sikayet ettigin konulari dusun_ ac kendini _ birak evren yardim etsin
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