By a.R.a.S - Bodrum/Turkey 2010

Thursday, March 24, 2011

One Of "THE" Songs *

 There's always at least one song in everyone's life that is either very special or has a seriously deep meaning. You know, songs that describe 
Your feelings,
 Your emotions in "that" specific period in your life.
The lyrics become your voice and YOU just let everything else go because the song itself does all the work.
A few weeks ago,  on American Idol, a contestant who had the attitude but barely the voice 
of one of my favorite "True" Divas, in other words, Diana Ross, chose to perform one of 
"THE" songs. She sang "When You Tell Me That You Love Me". The name itself sounds a  bit cheesy but the lyrics... Oh my the lyrics.... and the way "The Boss" sings it...  
Right now, I don't really recall the reason why it was so special back then but I am so glad 
that it is back in my life.   
YOU, in the past, are worth dedicating this song to...
YOU, in the future, are definitely worth dedicating this song to as well. 
Currently, no offense but there is no one!  
Please enjoy the lyrics and the videos below and if you feel like, answer me this; 
Have YOU ever had a song that once became your voice for whatever reason?

I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything's easy now
I have you here

In a world without you
I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger

Video 1
Video 2


Saturday, March 12, 2011

You Have A Voice Too*

Missed me? I missed YOU for sure. Sorry for the long wait but I needed this break to get it all together. The long process of "soul-evolving" has come to a new stage and I am really excited about it. Yes! I am a little bit scared too, because this is something totally new. Wait until... hmmm.....Well, just wait! 
Last week I started reading Uncle Coelho's "Winner Stands Alone" - (Kazanan Yalnızdır) and as usual the novel has been superb so far. Below is a very short story from the book. Whatever you are going through right now, the main idea in the story can be applied no matter what. Enjoy!
A seagull was flying over a beach in the Black Sea when it saw a mouse. It swooped down from the skies and asked the rodent, 
“Where are your wings?"  
Each of them spoke a different language, and the mouse did not understand what the seagull said, but did notice that the animal standing before it had two big strange things emerging from its body.
"It must suffer from some disease," whispered the mouse. 
The seagull noticed that the mouse was staring at its wings and said quietly, 
“Poor thing! It was attacked by monsters that left it deaf and robbed its wings.” 
Filled with pity, the seagull took the mouse in its beak and swept it away for a ride in the skies. At least this will bring memories of the old days, the seagull thought as they flew higher and higher. Then it very carefully deposited the mouse back on the ground.
For a few months the mouse was a very unhappy creature, it had flown high up in the sky and seen a vast and beautiful world. 
But as time passed, it eventually grew used to being a mouse again, and thought that the miracle that had taken place in its life was just a dream.
Feel free to let me know what you think about the story.
So far this post has had 20 page views but NO ONE HAS LEFT A COMMENT! 
Sunday, March 13, 2011 4:28pm
 Here's the Turkish version of the same story for those of you who feel more comfortable. 
''Martı, plajın üstünde uçarken bir fare görmüş. Hemen alçalıp fareye sormuş:
''Kanatların nerede senin?'' 
Her hayvan kendi dilini konuşur, o yüzden fare sorulan soruyu anlamamış. Karşısındaki yaratığın gövdesine takılı o iki tuhaf, iri şeye bakıp, 
''Bir hastalığı olsa gerek,'' diye düşünmüş.
Farenin, kanatlarına baktığını farkeden martı, ''Zavallıcık,'' diye geçirmiş içinden.
 ''Birtakım canavarların saldırısına uğramış herhalde; hem kulaklarını sağır etmişler hemde kanatlarını alıp gitmişler.''
Fare için çok üzülen martı, hayvancağızı gagasıyla tutmuş, göklerde bir gezintiye çıkarmış. Ama gökte uçarlarken, ''Evini özlemiştir belki,'' diye düşünmüş ve fareyi büyük bir özenle yeniden yere indirmiş.  
Aradan aylar geçmiş, farenin yüreğine bir hüzün çökmüş; yükseklerden baktığında ne kadar engin ve güzel bir dünya gördüğünü anımsamış. Gelgelelim, zamanla yeniden sıradan bir fare olmaya alışmış, yaşadığı o mucizenin bir düşten başka bir şey olmadığına inanmaya başlamış." 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gotta Play *

This time all you have to do is pick your favorite and tell me the reason. It is that simple. You can also tell me where, in one of those places you would want to go just for an hour or a day. You decide!
 Feel free to enlarge the images. ✌  

   Artur, Turkey - Summer 2009
Bodrum, Turkey - Summer 2010

 Artur, Turkey - Summer 2010

Bodrum, Turkey - Summer 2009

Artur, Turkey - Summer 2010

Newport, Rhode Island - February 2011

Bodrum, Turkey - Summer 2009
