By a.R.a.S - Bodrum/Turkey 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dear YOU,

How to begin.. I am desperately sorry that I've been so hard on YOU and I am pretty sure that I've let YOU down so many times as well. 

I could've been more courageous so that I could grab on to more things. 
I could've been more selfish so that I could  protect YOU.
I could've given you more self-confidence at the beginning so that some things could seem "easier".

However I've never lost faith in you and now I am taking good care of YOU. 
I feel that my past mistakes have made YOU a stronger person and that's why I've found the strength to
apologize to YOU and taken full responsibility. 
All I want YOU to know is that whatever happens and whenever happens, I'll always be there for YOU because YOU've always been there for me, YOU've made me a better person and allowed me to get in touch with my soul.

I know I still owe YOU a lot but please don't YOU ever give up on me.

I love YOU.


When Indecisiveness Meets My Kind Of Obsession ...

Yes! The PS3-mania is still ON... and I think this is going to be my last post this year...

What are we gonna have for dinner?
- You decide!
- NO!! you decide! ...

Which movie should we watch?
 - You decide!
 - NO!! you decide! ...

Should we go to Chicago or Atlantic City?
- You decide!
 - NO!! you decide! ...

Should we take the Honda or the Ford?
- You decide!
- NO!! you decide! ...

Do I fall in love again or not?
-I decide!... what? ...Yeah, I guess I am in charge of this - It's just me this time...

Those only have happened at least twice a day, in the last 4 days (except the "falling in love again" part, or has it? ;D)... and I am so freaking sure that there is a lot more that I can't remember of.

"Indecision is the seeding of fear" - Napoleon Hill

"Indecision is debilitating; it feeds upon itself; it is, one might almost say, habit-forming. Not only that, but it is contagious; it transmits itself to others." - H.A. Hopf

"Indecision is like a stepchild: if he does not wash his hands, he is called dirty, if he does, he wasting water." - Anonymous

Stubborn? Maybe I am (sometimes! ;D) But I've always believed that I have my own way of being obsessed with something. One might call it a "hidden obsession"but whatever -

Here's what I think though - my high level of obsessive character is used as a leverage when the high level of indecisiveness kicks in. So they kind of balance each other out. Did all these make any sense?
Maybe not, but for me, something just got clearer.

"Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession."  - Napoleon Hill



Monday, December 27, 2010

Being "the other"

First of all, my apologies for not having posted for the last 2 days. I have my excuses though;

Late night PS3 obsession!

Yesterday I watched a movie called "The Other Man" and I don't want to spoil it for you by telling what it was all about and how the story went. However, it shouldn't be extremely hard to figure it out. 
One married couple and another man. You do the math!

Below you'll encounter some series of fictional (maybe not) situations. (nothing to do with the movie)

Situation 1 
You sense that something is going on in your relation with your partner. In other words there is a slight chance that there is  an_"other" person and after a while you find out someone hasn't been as faithful as you were expecting. 

Situation 2
You find someone, start a nice relation - only based on satisfying each others' needs - a basic,  no strings attached kind of a deal. This time you learn that YOU've become "the other", that YOU've been helping that person to be unfaithful. Crap! You think to yourself "I would never want to be "the other" - because you know exactly how you felt after you found out that you and your ex-partner were having a trinogamy - "Should I put an end to this?"
But why would you do such a thing? Is it because of MORALS or are you afraid of KARMA?

Situation 3 
This is a good one... You meet someone else and this time YOU are ready to sign a consent form to become "the other" one. "God! How did I become like this?" Your guilt picks on you for a few weeks but then it's all gone. However, your belief in karma keeps making you feel uncomfortable.

So, what would you do in these 3 situations. Attention! I am not asking what is the right thing to do... 

Naiveness - selfishness - silliness - honesty etc... ?


Thursday, December 23, 2010

The vast depth of the mind *

Why go that far? It would freak us all out! 

There are more than 60 emotions that we have to deal with. 
Sadness * regret * shame * fear * happiness etc...
Some of them can turn into such profoundly irritating events.

But wait a second! Aren't the first 4 that I've listed are considered as negative emotions? 
Apart from "happiness", what else positive emotions can YOU think of?
Don't force yourself because it is hard to convey how you are feeling :/

Seriously what kind of incidents can YOU think of that result in happiness? Arrrgh!
Could an emotions be considered as "the most noble one"?


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The common invasion

                                          By Bodrum Balıkçısı * Halil Arın

Those fishes above are definitely up to something, aren't they? They probably saw something that we can't see with naked eyes but we can't help but wonder what it is. (at least, sometimes I can't help). There is also this high probability that it is just food! 

                                                 By a.R.a.S * Bodrum - July 2010

What about these ducks? Where are they headed to? (Oh please don't feel like you are in a foreign language speaking exam where they show you bunch of "stupid" photos and then ask you to make comments on them. ;) - Back to the topic... How much time do you spend on figuring out what they are doing and why they are doing it or instead why would you even care right? They are just a group of stupid ducks. huh!
                                               By a.R.a.S. * Boston - September 2010

Would it make a difference if we took a closer look at these people's attitude and body language? Maybe its hard to comprehend and analyze fishes' and ducks' behavior (it's not impossible though) but human beings are easier to understand and I think it would make a very positive difference if we cared more about what is going on around us. Even a leaf from a tree...


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My winter-mania

Some friends have never understood why I am in love with the winter season. Every time they try to find a meaning to my "winter-mania", my explanation is " I love cold weather. When you are cold, there are many options to get warmed up. However, during the summer, even though you walk around naked, it is still freaking hot!" Can anyone argue this? I didn't think so ... ;) But today I guess I have realized that there are more reasons to my winter-mania.
  •  See the picture above? It was taken in the first month of 2007. Being in a ski resort, putting on funny/silly ski hats, drinking warm/hot apple cider or red wine ;D  To me, this experience makes the winter season one of the best times of a year. (Especially if you have the privilege to share it with the loved ones - see the picture below) 

  • Here's another reason.First of all I thank God and my parents because I have been able to travel a lot in my life. I experienced winter in many European countries and for the last 3 years in the United States. Obviously each country has its own way of spending the winter time and celebrating the special days like Christmas and the New Year's Eve and in each country the winter spirit varies. That's why, having seen many many different winters in different countries,  I feel confident enough to say that people are happier in this time of the year even though they don't realize it sometimes. I know I am. (Believe me, I am a good observer ;D
  • Try to light up a chimney during summer! Try to get comfy in front of the chimney with someone "special" and let's say "cuddle"... Fire vs. Summer ... Irony? Sarcasm? Nightmare? Romance? You know where I am getting at.

Come on! Don't be afraid to say that you like winter. Maybe not as much as I do, but yes, just a little bit.

Ok! The gas bills, frozen cars, mud-dirt on everywhere... I choose NOT to see the glass as half empty ;D


Monday, December 20, 2010

40's, 50's, 60's, and now...

I thought today would never end. Lot's of melodramatic and tragicomic things happened in my subconscious and the minute I've decided to write on my blog I've witnessed something that really bothers me! Many people that I know are so subtle - why can't they just be, I don't know... loud and clear, maybe! Apart from being subtle, most of them are such hypocrites. GOD!!!
But no, this blog is full of love and light. Therefore; I send to every each of one them inner peace and love.

I am assuming that most of you were expecting a post about fashion or culture etc. when you saw the post title... I am sorry to disappoint you :)

I've been in a pickle for a while but today its magnitude boosted up - lots of questions to be answered, lots of decisions to be made (correctly if possible) and a friend of mine offered his help so we started talking on the phone. During our conversation he mentioned how easy it must have been for our parents and grandparents to make career choices. Think about it for a second... No Internet - no television - no magazines - etc.. You would either become a doctor, a teacher, an engineer or maybe a lawyer. (As you can imagine so far, this issue is one the other problems that I have to deal with and soon.)

About a month ago I was on a bus from N.Y.C. to Providence and there was a moment when I felt like I had lost faith and asked for an immediate sign. A minute later I changed my seat and found a card. It said,

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. 
Miracles waited on your word,  which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request).
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles.
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.

I need help from my angels *


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Are YOU Fighting Back?

Today I watched Saturno Contro (again), an amazing movie by Ferzan Ozpetek.

Here's one of the soundtracks from the movie. (It's not a clip so just close your eyes and let
it take you wherever you desire to go.

I would appreciate if you'd let me know (anonymously) how you felt after listening to it.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ready for some Druckerism?

Peter Drucker, known as the father of modern management, (or the management guru) is another influential people in my life. His philosophies and business/management/leadership advices also have an impact on my personal life. Today, CEO's of some world wide known brands are still following his directions and legacy.
I believe the reason why/how they can triumph is that they are capable of applying Drucker's business ideas to their personal lives as well. By the way, I try to do the same but sometimes it's hard as ________.(fill in the blanks)

Here are some my favorite quotes from Drucker ...

*Indeed, charisma becomes the undoing of leaders. It makes them inflexible, convinced of their own infallibility, unable to change. 

Hint: Think of your, a close friend's or a family member's EGO (small or huge! they both are trouble as long as you don't know how to control it.)... and the conflicts that it brings.

*There is only one definition of business purpose: to create a customer. 

Hint: Isn't that what we all try to do everyday? Gain respect, be on the spotlight and try to meet the needs of everyone else around us. If we are successful, then that's it! We pretty much had a good day. But what if not...?

*Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.

Hint: There is no hint! :D  This is pretty much obvious and it definitely applies to all of you/us.

                                                                                                               Peter F. Drucker


Friday, December 17, 2010


For the next 3 days I'll be hosting 2 of my close friends, so because of late night funs and sleepless days I've decided spend less time on my blog. Don't be mad!

I would like to share with you one of the most influential people to me... Uncle Coelho :D
Not only his books or his seminars but even his daily quotes are enough to give me the impression of a shooting star.

Here are some of my favorite quotes.. Enjoy and feel free to react on any of them.

"Dreams and dreamers can't be tamed" 

"And my angel has said: "Start moving so that I may start blessing."

"Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided."

*** I love the following quote!

"Anyone who lives in the expectation of being loved in return is wasting their time." 
                                                                                                            Paulo Coelho


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Looks like my previous post has become a centre of attention lol! I appreciate all the texts and the comments :) As long as I made you think or trigger something, I am content.
Today in my one of my MBA classes I have been exposed to multiple, so to say, "chinese tortures". But don't worry, it wasn't one those famous "water tortures" that we read in history books. This had the theme of;
"You'll bite your lips, pinch your legs and shed some tears in order not to laugh and in the end you'll give in to give up your soul." 
This experience took me back to my old college days, made me think of the fun I used to have with my dearest friends and the tears we shed whenever we laughed. Now I am in a different country, far far away from my hometown and my close friends but I can still laugh. I guess I've been a bit unfair to myself but now I am proud to recognize (once again) that I am still capable of leaving things behind and move on (without any damages caused)

Thanks to the new version of chinese torture, I realized, even though I sometimes feel that I need the past to live the present, I truly suffice myself. All I need is to take a look around and there it is! Countless types of people, things to discover, things to laugh or cry about... why need the past when you have the present?

This awareness is my serenity.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

♥ Communication Mosaics ♥

Such a pleasure being able to share my world with you and here you are, reading my 3rd official blog post. For such a long time I have been thinking about the "odds" of something happening... Out there, there are statistical data that can answer most of my "odd" questions but there is just one that I can't stop thinking of. See if you can help me about the following illusion/fantasy/dream...

Let's say, you are visiting a friend in a city you have never been before and you only have 5-6 days to spend and explore the city, meanwhile you are supposed to have fun, interact with people etc. Basically, the simple job of a tourist. THAT is your only responsibility. So one night you go out. Everything is perfect so far and yes, you are having a blast at the club, but all of a sudden you don't feel like dancing or drinking anymore because at that specific moment you are focused on someone that you can't keep your eyes off... You are... speechless, just speechless. You don't have the guts to introduce yourself or not even the courage to smile/flirt. "But why?" you think to yourself, "This is not who I am, what the hell is going on with me?” and the second you decide to take a step forward, you realize that it took you a bit long and now it's too late. "Well, whatever", you say and back to enjoying the moment. 
After a while (you are still on the same night) you make up your mind and go to another club since you have the advantage of partying on a street on which, there are plenty of places to have fun ;) Isn't the music definitely better at this new club? Oh yes, it rocks! And the fun starts one more time but NO, not again!?! Your heart starts to beat faster than the usual speed...
"What are you waiting for!?!? You were ready before, just go introduce yourself!" 
The night ends with failures of attempts to "communicate" with someone...When did you become this coward, huh? But anyway, it is not the end of the world, is it?
The 5-6 days have passed and now it's time for you to go back home. The fun is over! Now the part where you are in a big hustle in an airport with your luggage, carry-ons and the snacks you bought for the flight, begins. (Since the airline companies decided to be cheap and give you a menu with prices funnier than Jim Carry movies). After you take your first flight, you arrive to another airport/city where you have your connecting flight to the destination Hometown. You look at all of those people at the airport, some run like they are being chased by a wild animal, some are slower than a "normal" human being is supposed to be (I don't want to give the name of the nationality of the "slows" but you know what I am talking about), and then you see the pilots and the flight attendants waiting to board before the passengers. But hold on a second, are you really seeing what you think you are seeing?  "OH MY GOD! Is this really happening?" is what you say OUT LOUD without even realizing. Probably those past 5-6 days made you ready to gather up your courage OR your shame to go introduce yourself. Finally! You talk for almost 5 minutes and you tell the entire story, from day 1 until that moment. Oh, I forgot to say, it turns out that, this person is a flight attendant and was visiting the same city for only a day... At the end, some handshakes, uncomfortable smiles and that's it - farewell. You get on the plane and after 10 minutes it takes off.
The duration of the flight is an hour and a half and the odds of YOU spending the whole flight with regrets of not asking for a phone number or at least a last name (in order to track it down on Facebook) is pretty high. Your plane lands, you are upset with yourself more than ever and the level of regrets is still pretty high and it doesn't seem to "land" as your plane just did. Wait a second, here's an idea! Flight attendants can get the passenger list and see who was on the plane, right? And this becomes your only hope that calms you down a little bit. But come on, why have high expectations for an error that you have committed? You sigh... talk to a friend on the phone about this unexpected series of events, one after another and you arrive home. Home sweet home!
Since you are addicted to Facebook, you get online and it is the very first thing you do even before you wash your hands. And there it is! A freaking message from the flight attendant....  
 Long story short, after 3 weeks the flight attendant stops by your city and you two have a very pleasant evening together. The next morning, everything is back to normal. And yes, you are still keeping in touch.

So back to my question, what are the odds?


Monday, December 13, 2010

Slice of Life

"We make it look so easy - connecting with another human being. It is like no one told us that it is the hardest thing in the world. You can't do one thing to make up for another say some people but they are wrong, because we do that all the time. That is the way the world works. We try to make things right... Even me...

    Image taken from Google Images  
But... wishes, of course, are for children."



Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yeah, it is so simple!

Have you ever wondered why we get upset or what really makes us upset? Hmm ... It is usually either "the people are so mean" or "something is not fair," right? It is always "their" fault that we get upset. BAD PEOPLE! BAD!
Since the end of August 2010, life has not been so "fair" to me… And it made me think about the depth of disappointment and its reasons. Well, what I have come up with so far is;
"THE LEVEL OF our EXPECTATIONS"... Yes, we, human beings have so many expectations, which I believe is crucial to have in order to be able to survive, however why keep them so high? 
In my experience, "high" doses of expectation may turn into obsessions, depression, addictions and probably ten more nouns that end with-sion or tion. 
To be honest, since my discovery I have been a lot better. Let me give you a secret though, it might come in handy when you are ready. 
"I keep injecting myself with high dose of expectation but I don't let myself know about any of this"

And here's a quote that I have heard recently.

Why torture yourself when life'll do it for you?  ~Author Unknown

